Unity Eastern Region Ministry Profile
Unity Center of Healing Light
Minister: Rev. Saba Mchunguzi

About Unity Center of Healing Light
The Unity teachings can be described in a number of ways. Fundamentally, we believe that everyone, regardless of their station in life, background, income, education, culture or family situation, is a child of God. We believe that God loves all of his children – each of us, and wants the best for all of us. We believe that as children of God, we are worthy of and entitled to live a good, healthy, productive, fulfilling, prosperous and successful life.
We believe that the Spirit and essence of God dwells within each person, and as we recognize and connect with it, we will be able to express and demonstrate the good that we desire. As we align our consciousness with the presence and power of God within us, we will realize that the good we desire is actually the good that God has revealed to us that is possible for us to experience.
At Unity Church of Healing light, we believe Jesus when he said, “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” We teach that God (our Higher Power) wants all of us, and that means YOU, to live a healthy, happy, prosperous and successful life, filled with love, harmony and peace.
In Unity, we study the life and teachings of Jesus the Christ. We emphasize His Christhood, rather than His personhood. We teach that the same Spirit of God, the Christ, that was in Jesus, is in all people. We realize that Jesus expressed the Christ spirit to it’s fullest, and our goal is to do the same.
We present the Unity teachings in a very practical and easy to understand manner. We realize that many people have similar life experiences, whether in regards to health, employment, business, careers, family. As such, we present the teachings of Jesus and the spiritual teachings throughout the Bible, in a way that can help everyone understand and apply them to improve any and every area of their lives.
Sunday Service: 11:30AM-12:45PM
Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30PM-8:30PM
Meet the minister

About Rev. Saba Mchunguzi
Rev. Saba has been involved in spiritual studies for over 40 years. His early introduction to New Thought included studying such leaders as Eric Butterworth, Raymond Charles Barker and Charles Fillmore. He began his formal studies in 1975 at the Brooklyn Truth Center, under Rev. Don Nedd. Over the next 11 years, Rev. Saba served in many positions at the Center, including 2 years as church administrator, 7 years as a member and secretary of the Board of Trustees, Better Living Education teacher, and sponsor for the youth group and the Young Adults For Better Living.
In addition, Rev. Saba served on the Board of Directors of the Universal Foundation for Better Living for 20 years, including 6 years as the 1st Vice President. He was ordained by Rev. Dr. Johnnie Colemon in 1986 and was assigned as the assistant minister at Unity Church of Hempstead, where he served for 2 years. He later served for 5 years as minister of Universal Center of Eternal Truth, in Brooklyn, NY. Rev. Saba is a dynamic and charismatic speaker who brings the Bible to life and presents the Truth teachings in a practical and understandable manner. Rev. Saba believes that the teachings of Jesus show us that everyone can and should live a healthy, fulfilling and abundant life. He has conducted lesson sermons in Miami, Cleveland, New York City, Long Island, and Toronto, Canada. For many years, he was a regularly scheduled guest minister at Unity East Church Center, New York Center of Truth, Unity Temple of Christ, and Unity Church of Hempstead, and was an occasional guest minister at New Thought Spiritual Center and the Unity Center of Healing Light.
In January 2010, Rev. Saba was appointed minister of Unity Church of Healing Light, in Huntington Station, NY, which is a member of Unity Worldwide Ministries, where he currently serves. UCHL is a growing, dynamic and diverse ministry that transforms lives and helps people achieve their dreams through prayer, spiritual study and affirming the Truth.
In addition to his spiritual work, Rev. Saba is very involved in civic affairs and has been a member of many community organizations. He graduated from New York University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education. Rev. Saba receives loving support from his talented wife, Cheryl, a licensed social worker.
Ministry Information
Unity Center of Healing Light
Huntington Station NY 11746 United States